Selling 101: Professional Photography

IMG_1855A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

If a picture is worth a thousand words, my photos are worth a 10,000 words! My quality stands above the rest. How many times have you looked at photos of houses online that are crooked, or dark, or even worse, out of focus?! Today’s consumer expects more. Way more. They are ruling out houses based on the photos they find online.

The National Association Of REALTORS (NAR) publishes the “Profile Of Home Buyers And Sellers” annually, and the latest report (2015) shows that 98% of buyers looking on the internet rate photos either “Very Useful” or “Somewhat Useful.” This means that high quality photos are even more important than ever.

03dining3First Impression

In order to get the best price for your home, it pays to have a good first impression. In today’s online, connected world, your first impression is what consumers see online. Many buyers will dismiss houses with bad online photos. They pass bad ones by, and say “Next!” The photos buyers find online oftentimes can be related to their “first showing” of your home. If they don’t like what they see, they won’t go visit your home.  You want your home to be in their “A” list. Professional photography is a critical key element in keeping a buyer’s interest.

Professional Photography

_MG62082Real Estate Photography has its own challenges. It’s not enough to have a portrait photographer taking photos of a home. The regular portrait photographer doesn’t know what angles to use, nor how to light the room appropriately. This is because they are not trained nor experienced in lighting rooms.

In addition to being a real estate agent, I am a professional real estate photographer. Over the past few years, I have shot over 150 homes each year. With this kind of experience, and the appropriate equipment, I can show your home in the best light. The key is that I am also a real estate agent, and show homes to buyers. I have seen what buyers look for and look at. This allows me to capture the right angles and the right views of various rooms.

These photos on this page are all photos I took in various houses.