Our Newsroom

2013 September Monthly Report – The Skinny

Although new listings have increased 16.5% and almost all of that came from traditional sellers (not foreclosures or short sales), inventory is still low, being 9.9% lower than last year. That means there is still competition on well-priced, well staged homes for sale. Buyers are keeping a sharp eye on new homes as they enter […]

2013 August Monthly Report – The Skinny

Sellers are beginning to put their homes on the market again. New listings rose over 20% from last year. We also have far fewer short sale listings and foreclosure listings. This means that the number of traditional seller new listings increased 55% over last year. We have a 17% increase of the number of closed […]

2013 July Monthly Report – The Skinny

Sellers are beginning to put their homes on the market again. New listings rose over 20% from last year. We also have far fewer short sale listings and foreclosure listings. But even with the increase in traditional sellers, we are still far from a balanced market. We are still in short supply of homes for […]

2013 June Monthly Report – The Skinny

June 2013 is setting records. Pending sales (houses that have gone under contract) is at the ihghest in 8 years. The number of signed purchase agreements rose more than 18%!! This is good news for sellers, and they have responded. We’ve had an increase of homes going on the market, but the buyers are snatching […]

2008 Market Review

We’ve all read the negative news about the Twin Cities housing market.   Star Tribune reported that Twin Cities’ home prices have dropped accumulatively 16% over the last year.    Many people think that the reason for the price decrease is that there are more homes on the market than ever, and they are just sitting […]

HPDL Minneapolis Real Estate Market in Review, 2008 Y-T-D

    Minneapolis Real Estate Market Update As you know, the Minneapolis real estate market for 2007 was in flux.  America, as a whole, was experiencing what felt like a recession, even if it didn’t fit the technical definition of the term.  The fundamentals of the economy may or may not have been strong, but […]