Our Newsroom

House Abbreviations

Real Estate Abbreviations When advertising houses for sale, there are plenty of standard abbreviations and some not so standard abbreviations. Then there are those that even other Realtors can’t figure out. In this blog entry, we’ll look at some actual MLS entries. Some abbreviations look just like those cryptic singles ads. I can just see […]

Advertising Words Translation Matrix

House Advertising Words You know how some real estate agents have a knack for describing homes in glorious and grand ways? Well, sometimes the words are a slight exaggeration of the actual home. In our industry, we call that puffery. Here’s a list of some common terms used in advertising and what they really mean.  […]

Green Home Guide

Green Home Guide Green Guide Green Home Guide for Families Green Office Guide Everybody is talking green, and by green, I don’t mean money. Green is in. It’s the latest thing. The government has gotten into the act by forming ENERGY STAR, a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. […]

Smart Buyer Guide

Many times, searching for the perfect house seems to be a daunting task.  There are so many things to consider, including location, surrounding environs, not to mention features of the house.  With all these thoughts racing through your head, it’s easy to overlook one salient fact or another.  The first thing to do is make […]

How’s THAT going?

When I meet people for the first time, they usually ask THE question when I mention that I’m in real estate. The question: “How’s THAT going?” or “Isn’t that a tough business?” or “Isn’t it hard to sell homes right now?” or somthing else to the effect.  Frankly, the real estate market is not as bad […]

Difference between Short Sale and Foreclosure

What’s the difference between a Short Sale and a Foreclosure? A Short Sale is when the homeowner owes more than the property is worth, and cannot pay back the difference. They are short of full payoff. Here’s an example: Let’s say the homeowner buys a house for $200,000, with a primary mortgage of $160,000, and […]