Our Newsroom

Go. See. Do.

The Minneapolis- St. Paul metro area is packed full of things to do. There is always something fun going on or something to look forward to. I’ve put together a list of interesting events in the Twin Cities metro area worth checking out. Enjoy! Apple Valley Apple Valley is just 5 minutes from the Mall […]

Green Home Guide

Green Home Guide Green Guide Green Home Guide for Families Green Office Guide Everybody is talking green, and by green, I don’t mean money. Green is in. It’s the latest thing. The government has gotten into the act by forming ENERGY STAR, a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. […]

Smart Renovator Guide

As your agent, my concern for you does not stop at getting you in the front door.  Once you have bought your dream house, you will likely notice that there are a few things that need touching up or a makeover.  Whether you are interested in reselling your home at some point or in staying […]

Smart Buyer Guide

Many times, searching for the perfect house seems to be a daunting task.  There are so many things to consider, including location, surrounding environs, not to mention features of the house.  With all these thoughts racing through your head, it’s easy to overlook one salient fact or another.  The first thing to do is make […]

Smart Seller Guide

There is a lot of information available for the first-time buyer, but not so much for the first-time seller.  If you’ve never sold a house before, it may seem as if everyone is speaking a different language.  There seems to be a million things that need to be done, and so little time in which […]

Real Estate Insights

The National Association of Realtors publishes the Real Estate Insights monthly. If you want a copy of the latest issue in pdf format, just drop me an e-mail. There are some market indicator statistics that are published in this newsletter. A quick glance includes the following: Existing home inventory is up. Existing home sales is […]