Our Newsroom

MPG round 2

I posted about MPG a while ago and thought I would do an update now. This is now more relavent than ever since gas is over $3.50 per gallon. I know people talk about hybrids a lot nowadays. But is it really worth the extra dollars to buy a hybrid over a non-hybrid? I’m going […]

Green Designation

I have officially gone green! NAR’s Green Designation, to be exact. What is NAR’s Green Designation you ask? The National Association of Realtors (NAR) created this real-estate specific designation for REALTORS to learn about issues of sustainability and energy efficiency and how they pertain to the housing and real estate industries. The training is a […]

Green Business Conference

The Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce is presenting the Greening Your Business Conference that is coming up in April. This years conference will include two free energy workshops, breakout sessions, and a Leadership in Sustainability Awards ceremony. It also includes an exhibit hall for businesses to share their green products and services. This year, Mayor […]

Solar Monitoring site

Our solar system has been running about a month now. It is comprised of 11 PV panels, each with its own inverter. These inverters are made by Enphase Energy and have monitoring capability built-in. To monitor production, Enphase has a data gathering box called the Envoy. The Envoy goes out on the powerline network and […]

Solar Report

We’ve been up and running for about a week now. Our solar system has a monitoring system so that we can see how much each panel is producing. It will be tracked on the web, but for now, I have manual access. Looking at the data, there is one panel / inverter missing. Either the […]

7 ways to save energy

Everybody has heard the same tried and true methods of saving energy such as turn down the furnace, turn down the a/c, switch to CF bulbs But there are other unique ways to save energy. It all starts with seeing what the largest energy consumers in your house are. In order of greatest use, they are: furnace, a/c, […]