Our Newsroom

Being Green, Saving Green

RE/MAX generated this cool infographic. It talks about 5 ideas for you to consider around your home. Check it out below. After you check it out below, you can see some of our efforts to be environmentally responsible: Saving Water Saving Electricity Saving Natural Gas RE/MAX in the Know: The Difference One Light Bulb Can […]

Zero Waste Reverse Osmosis update

We purchased our Watts Zero Waste Reverse Osmosis system in 2008. It has been running fine until recently when the pump started leaking. I did a search on the internet and found that most people just replace the pump. I felt it was a waste to replace a perfectly functioning pump when it is a […]

Going Green part 4: Saving Water

I wrote about saving water a while ago and it’s now up for a review. Now the City of Minneapolis has online billing and historical usage data available. Anyone can go to their website and plug in an address and look up the water usage. They measure water usage in Units of water, where 1 […]

Going Green Part 3: Saving Electricity

There are some easy ways to save electricity and some not so easy ways. Let’s start with the easy ways first. The easiest (and cheapest) way  to save electricity is to unplug everything that you are not using at that moment. Many devices stay in “stand by” mode ready to be turned on (kind of like […]

Going Green Part 2: Saving natural gas

Here is part 2 of the basics of saving energy: Saving Natural Gas. Here in Minnesota, we use natural gas for heating our homes, as well as hot water. What are some tips to reduce our natural gas usage? The obvious is to turn down the heat. Everyone always says to turn down the heat […]

Going Green Part 1: Energy Audit

What is a home energy audit? An energy audit is a way of evaluating a home’s energy performance. It pinpoints where energy is being used, and where it is being wasted. This report can help you increase your energy efficiencies by showing where you can improve your home, and how you can lower your utility […]