Our Newsroom

Buying a Foreclosure

There are many buyers, perhaps like yourself, that are looking to foreclosures as a good deal, a way to get a lower price on a home that you can put work into to gain equity.  If this describes you, read on. Buying a foreclosed property means that you are purchasing a property that has been […]

Condos vs Townhouses vs Single Family Home

Are you considering a condo?  Or townhouse? Or single family home? This is Part 1 of a special 4 part article will discuss various pros and cons of each style of living. In this part, we’ll cover the definition of each of these types of home, and where they are usually found in the Twin […]

What is a Short Sale

Short sale homes

Typical Buying Process and Timeline

I get this question from many different buyers, so I thought it might make a good blog topic. Many first time buyers are curious as to how long it takes to find a home as well as how long it takes to “close” on a home. From the first steps of contacting an agent and […]

$8,000 Free Cash!!!

That should get your attention.  The government is giving cash to home buyers! Now, there are some stipulations, but if you meet the criteria, you can get $8,000! This is part of the Economic Stimulus package that was signed into law this week by President Obama. First-time home buyers can claim an $8,000 tax credit […]

New Home Search Available

We’ve made some system changes to bring you the best home search on the market.  We welcome you to sign up for free and to look at houses on-line.  You can: Save favorite homes Reject properties Much more Just sign up at http://Search.StevenHong.com and see how powerful this search engine really is.  If you have […]