Our Newsroom

What to Expect with Showings

As a seller, showings can be very inconvenient. They are disruptive and can cause major schedule headaches. Below you will find a few thoughts on showings and how to help […]

7 Signs of a Bad Showing

1. Bad Smells I have been in a number of houses that have big offensive odors. It is a huge turnoff for buyers. These smells can range from cooking odors […]

6705 Emerson Ave. S, Richfield, MN
Buy Real Estate or Die Renting

Buying a home is expensive. You’ve got to have money for the down payment, closing costs, mortgage payment, and other ongoing expenses such as utilities, taxes and insurance. If owning […]

How to become homeowner ready

Have you been thinking about buying a home? Are you ready to become a homeowner? In this article, I’ve answered some questions that you should ask yourself before buying a home. […]

What happens when interest rates rise?

Interest rates /What is interest? Interest is the fee that you pay to borrow money. On a home mortgage you are borrowing money from a bank to buy a house. […]

2025 Franklin Ave. SE, Minneapolis, MN
2025 Franklin Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN
Money, Money, Money!

When purchasing a home, when should I expect to be writing checks? There are several stages in the home buying process where you will need to be writing checks. The […]

Seller’s Disclosure Alternative and why a seller would use one

Seller’s Property Disclosure Statement In Minnesota, Sellers are required to disclose what they know about a home and the property to potential buyers. This is usually done using a Seller’s […]